Monday 20 August 2007

How to find Guitar Chords for songs.

I'm always looking for new guitar chords for songs to impress my friends with when I go to parties but I suffer a lot from not being good at playing by ear. Instead of sitting down and working out how a song is played I have to buy songbooks or look them up on the internet. Lately I've had a lot of trouble as many of the sites I used to visit are closing down due to the music publishers enforcing their copyrights. Personally I think it's a great shame that they're taking such a heavy handed approach, I'm sure many people are just like me - looking for the guitar chords for songs by their favourite bands.

I've started this blog to write about some of the sites I find when I'm surfing the net trying to find guitar chords for songs and maybe it'll even help you too. I know I get really frustrated when I think I've found a good resource only to see it shut down by the copyright police a few weeks later. Do they really think that us amateur musicians are costing them money? Can it really be a bad thing if the music we play reaches the ears of people who haven't paid? Last week I was at a party playing a new song I learned called Overkill by Colin Haye and two of the people there went out and bought Man at Work, the album it's on because they liked my rendition so much. I'm pretty sure it's hurting the publishers to get new sales :p

Anyway, my girlfriend is giving me grief for being up so late again fiddling about on the net so I'm just going to post this and get off to bed. I was going to add a few links to some good song sites I found but I guess it's going to have to wait until another day.

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